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Zidua® SC Herbicide - Control pigweed from planting through canopy by layering residual herbicides. Use Zidua® PRO, Zidua® SC, and Outlook® herbicides for strong protection. Layering pre- and post-emergence herbicides extends control, keeps fields clean, and boosts soybean yield compared to a single application.
Pigweed stalking your fields? Ensure control from planting all the way through canopy by layering your residual herbicide protection. With strong protection from Zidua® PRO herbicide, Zidua® SC herbicide and Outlook® herbicide, pigweed will have to find some other field to terrorize.
Give your soybean crop every advantage by layering pre- and post-emergence residual herbicides. In comparison to a single application, a foundational pre-emergence residual herbicide followed by a post-emergence knockdown herbicide plus residual extends control later into the season, which helps keep your fields clean and increase your yield.
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